General Hafter’s “Dignity Operation” is struggling to achieve its declared aim despite the daily upbeat propaganda in some Libyan and Saudi-funded broadcasting and print media outlets. The General National Congress (GNC)’s decision to mobilise the Misrata-based Middle Shield units to Tripoli sent a strong signal to General Hafter, who had earlier attempted to storm the GNC’s building through his alliance with the Zintan brigades. With Zintan’s moves checked, General Hafter turned to political manoeuvring. He called on the High Judicial Council to take over the GNC’s legislative powers, while also seeking to convene a conference of Libya’s tribes in order to decide a new political roadmap. By May 26, it looked like both manoeuvres had stumbled. The Labidaat tribe, the largest in the east, withdrew from the tribes’ conference, while the Judiciary Council tacitly declined Hafter’s call and proposed instead a national dialogue initiative to be convened by a number of respected figures. Meanwhile, the Constitutional Assembly (CA) emerged in the midst of the ongoing crisis to report that it had equipped itself with an internal law (sub-committees, voting system, etc.) and that the CA is now ready to attend to its task.

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