Following the killing of 14 Tunisian soldiers on Mount Chambi on the border with Algeria PM Mahdi Jouma convened a crisis taskforce which responded with a set of drastic measures. The crisis taskforce decided to close down all mosques that are not under the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ control. Radio Al Nour FM, and Al Inssan TV channel were also closed down. Besides, all associations which were involved in anti-terrorism investigations have been suspended and placed under further investigation. The Interior Ministry spokesperson announced on Sunday night that 63 persons including Moukram Al Moulhi (founder of Okba Ben Nafia armed group) were rounded up in Sidi Bouzid, El Kaf and Al-Kessrine. Another group of 16 persons was arrested for “celebrating” the killing of the 14 soldiers and incitement to religious extremism. On Friday, Ennahdha declared the attack a “terrorist” one and called for marches across Tunisia to condemn Thursday’s carnage. Mixed reactions followed the government’s security measures; Naji Al Baghouri, dean of Tunisian Journalists Guild, said that the war on terror should not be a pretext to clamp on freedoms. Al Baghouri added that closing down TVs and radios is the mandate of the High Independent Commission for Audi-Visual Affairs and not the governments. Baji Caid Sebssi, leader of NidaTounes, said “one should not talk of freedoms when it is about people who kill”.

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